Customer Guarantee

ECECILE shall bear liability for conformity defects that may appear in items sold to consumers within a two-year time limit from delivery.
According to EU Consumer Regulations, consumer items comply with sales contract provided all of following conditions are met:
They are fit for the intended purpose for which items of the same kind are normally used;
They comply with the description provided by vendor ECECILE and have the features of items that vendor ECECILE has offered to consumers as a sample or model;
They have quality and customary performance of items of the same kind, which consumers can reasonably expect by taking into account the nature of items and where appropriate public statements made either by vendor ECECILE or by the manufacturer or by an authorized representative, especially in advertising or on labeling related to specific item features;
They are also suitable for a specific intended use desired by consumers and reported to ECECILE upon entering into sales contracts and approved by ECECILE even by implication.
In the event that consumers consider a purchased item to be non-compliant with aforementioned criteria, under below conditions consumers may alternatively and free of charge request repair or replacement of a purchased item or a price reduction or contract termination, unless above requests are groundless or physically impossible or disproportionate for ECECILE pursuant to applicable Consumer Regulations.
The request shall be made by consumers in writing by e-mail to: along with details on the defect and supported by photos of the item, especially of portion(s) where consumers locate the defect. ECECILE shall provide a written feedback within 5 (five) business days indicating appropriate methods for returning items to ECECILE. Consumers shall be expected to return purchased items to ECECILE within the required deadline, at no additional costs.
ECECILE shall receive items considered to be defective and shall have them checked by quality controls. In the event that no defect is identified in the item, ECECILE shall not accept the consumer request and shall reserve the right to charge the consumer for item shipping costs.
Should quality control reveal a defect and item repair or replacement be feasible, ECECILE shall inform customer accordingly.
Should quality control reveal a defect and ECECILE already approved the consumer request for a price reduction or sales contract termination, ECECILE shall indicate a proposed price reduction or appropriate refund procedures.
Note: In the event of any inconsistency, discrepancy or divergences of interpretation between the English version and any other language versions of this publication, the English language version shall prevail.